Misconceptions and Fear Equal Confusion
I love mass transit. It is a laboratory. It is a rolling mental health waiting room. It is the best of us and the worst of us locked in communion.This is my testimony.I was gazing out the window,...
View ArticleFair Trial and Waffles
This is an episode from Four Star Theater from 1955. The producer and star is Dick Powell.This episode is about a lynching that happens in a small town. It is about how the town people acknowledge that...
View ArticleI am I little woodzy - I was a good girl tody
Update: You know how people say you shouldn't drink and drive? The same could be said for blogging after being drugged to have your tooth extracted.I'm going to clean up spelling and stuff but I was...
View ArticleBooks as Conduits of Thought
It has been a awhile since my last post. I might get kicked out the the blogging union if there was such as thing. Wait, I think somebody tried to start one years ago but I haven't heard anything about...
View ArticleThere Is the Dance and Risk of Loss
Yeah, the dance. Not talking about the Rumpshaker or the Electric Slide.This is a video created by two people (not the dancers in the video) about what they got out of a song by the band Alabama...
View ArticleWhen The Life You Knew Passes You By
One of the things about photography that I like is that it helps me see things. It helps me to remember and maybe one day prove to somebody that this is different. It is not like we thought it was.It...
View ArticleAmerican In the Nexus of Race and Guns Part 1
The first movie I ever saw by myself was In the Heat of the Night. I am sure that there was a Three Stooges short and a couple of Warner Brothers cartoons in front of it. Probably one of those that had...
View ArticleAmerican In the Nexus of Race and Guns Part 2
My gun education was passive; meaning I didn't have to do much to be indoctrinated. Saturday mornings television had adventure, sci-fi and westerns.Guns played a major role in almost all of them.This...
View ArticleAmerican In the Nexus of Race and Guns Part 3
Now if you want to really get down to it we'd have to talk about Spaghetti westerns. The above trailer is the Italian version of A Fist Full of Dollars. One man as hero/anti-hero.Dark skinned people as...
View ArticleAmerican In the Nexus of Race and Guns Part 4
I guess one of the unasked questions in current movie fiction is can you be a strong man solving problems without a gun.We know they can be goofs.Con men.Hump fiends with their own private sex shooter....
View ArticleAmerican in the Nexus of Race and Guns Part 5
There are photos of Jeff Goldblum moving through social media. The are mainly talking about how hot he looks for a 63 year-old man.This fact is not in dispute. On the sexy hotness scale from Zero to 10...
View ArticleAmerican in the Nexus of Race and Guns Part 6
I don't remember if I saw Cat Ballou in the theater or on television. The second run movie house could have had it as a feature for a Saturday afternoon matinee.It isn't impossible for me to have seen...
View ArticleThe Flag May Be Grand But the Anthem Is Another Story
I've watched people grumble about having to stand up and sing the anthem. I've watched them talk non-stop as they ignore it being played. I've seem them stroke their phones, chow down on a dog and do...
View ArticleBlack Folks Should See Moonlight - They Probably Won't
The only reason I know about this movie is that there was a trailer before the Obama date movie while I was munching on an overpriced hot dog.From the trailer it was real oblique about what the movie...
View ArticleBeing Dragged to Pleasantville Against My Will
Trying to make sense of a different reality. Sometimes you have to look back to see a forward path. Or maybe I'm grasping at anything to help me understand why this has happened.Once upon a time there...
View ArticleAll I Know for Sure Is In Real Life
There is a commercial for a drug that make it easier for cancer patients to endure chemotherapy.It is a beautiful house. There is a loving husband. I think there is a loving dog too. And the woman is...
View ArticleTrailer for Baa Baa Land
It has been awhile since I've posted anything. It is rough. Not the reality I want but it is the one that I have.One thing about reading about history. Whole nother thing experiencing it as it...
View ArticleSometime Reaching Across Lines Is Filled with Peril
I was on the bus, minding my own business deep in my shallow thoughts. Woman interrupts me asking me do I know the woman hugging up on P45.I'm civil but I respond, "No I don't."I turn away from her.She...
View ArticleShe Was Tweaked But She Was Not There
I have often said that if you are a writer you need to ride public transit. You will never lack for ideas.Daisy got on the bus. She had no purse. She had no wallet and very few coins.She was clean but...
View ArticleIt Become Real Only When You See It
I went to a convention. I had a little time so I walked around the neighborhood of the hotel. This is what I saw:Old school newsstands were wooden and filled with magazines and newspapers. Maybe some...
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