I went to a convention. I had a little time so I walked around the neighborhood of the hotel.
This is what I saw:
This is what I saw:
Old school newsstands were wooden and filled with magazines and newspapers. Maybe some chewing gum to help you break a dollar for the bus.
If you wanted to know who got whacked or the story of the day you either went to a grocer, a box or a newstand.
And this is what it is now, one or two copies of the Daily News and Inquirer.
I felt bad.
Like a ghost passing through time.
But where do I get my news?
Where I live there are no newstands. Almost all of the news boxes are gone. There are some retail places that sell the Sunday papers. Places I rarely shop or visit.
I subscribe to one newspaper online but have to remember that I do have a subscription. It is my friends and relations that alert me to new stories that I check out.
Yet, something indeed has been lost. The solitude of reading at your own pace and reflecting on a story.