Learning Again How to Carrying the Bags Home
Living in the Southland is never constant. Life might seem the same day after day but then the next day does a wooga-wooga on you. You have to re-calibrate.Take plastic shopping bags. South Pasadena...
View ArticleJust How Inclusive Do We Want To Be?
I want to talk about about something that is hard for a non-academic person to articulate let alone try to put into a public post. What does inclusive mean anymore in a public space? This posts is not...
View ArticleWhen In Doubt or Fear Take A Deep Breath
It is the stories that we tell each other. Our life experiences and those of our kind. This is a short story about perception, fear and riding the rails. The Los Angeles Sheriff Department (LASD)...
View ArticleHelp Laina Forge 21st Century Metal
I was 18 years old. Home on a Friday night. Not unusual. Turned on late night ABC and there she was. Wearing a Mohawk, the sides of her head shaved clean to the bone. Was sporting electrical tape on...
View ArticleDownloading Memory Lane
It is a day of memories. I'm downloading my older videos from Blip.tv. The web host is focusing on web series and potential money making activities. It is understandable because the commercial side of...
View ArticleSomedays I Only Want to Hug My Blanket
Status Report: School is going well except when I have to write a paper. I normally can crank out a report without busting a sweat. Not in the Digital Archiving class. I'm learning multiple new skills...
View ArticleSaved by Für Hildegard von Bingen or Let's Rock
I use to love Halloween. I liked scaring kids on the candy prowl. It was about tradition and fun and reminding the tikes that surprises can happen at any time.This past few days has soured me on...
View ArticleYeah, It Is Early
As in five in the morning early. I have just enough time to prepare, scan e-mail and Twitter and then head out for a long day. Need brain food. Need another two hours of me time.I like this RSA video...
View ArticleMemory, Haiku Deck and Being the Rabbit
If I can get my fanny in gear I'm about to participate in a worldwide viewing event. Means nothing to those not invested but a Whovian gotta do what she has got to do. I also have to study, do...
View ArticleThe Cool Tools Book That I'm Putting on the Wish List
I was one of those people that read The Whole Earth Catalog. Yes, I know it is not a narrative type book. It was a huge freaking catalog. It was the paper Internet. How do grow hay? Build a mud house?...
View ArticleMy Memories of Father Mandela
Just wanted to post some fleeting memories about Father Mandela. Certainly I and millions morn the loss of this icon, this teacher and father of liberation to the South African people.I remember being...
View ArticleWhat I Want and What I Really Really Don't Want
It seems that I have been typographically quiet. I spurt something out on a daily basis but I am trying to think before typing. Some days it works and other days I can't take another minute on the...
View ArticleCold Duck, Hillbillies and Plantations
Some days I think I've lost my voice. Maybe it is the wisdom of letting some things go. Then again some things you can't let go of even if you want to because the thing is stinking up the room. So I...
View ArticlePassion - A Visual Poem Trying to Make Cents
I'm always fussing about not having time. Not having enough time. Running out of time. Yes, I work a day job and I take classes both on and off-line. Then there is that sleep thing that I never seem to...
View ArticleFinancial Literacy - A Visual Poem Making Cents of It All
I was standing in a beloved retail bastion of frugality. It is one of my favorite places because it is a source of inspiration. I was checking out the new items and I turned to see this bounty of...
View ArticleGoing Binary - The Non-Discussion Video
I strive to understand. Then I understand and then wonder how we ever got out of the mud, the cave and the mire. I don't think we have. We live in houses. We have reasonably safer food and clothing....
View ArticleThe Latest News - Poem by Don Kingfisher Campbell
A few years ago I recorded some of the San Gabriel Valley Poets. Wouldn't mind doing it again but life changes have dictated a re-allocation of time and resources. I have a lot of video that I can't...
View ArticleMy $2.98 Movie Review
I have no problem with checking out the clearance section of a store. This is my birthright coming from a long line of frugal and frugal adjacent people. There was a current 2013 movie on the clearance...
View ArticleA Bit of Music on This Mighty Fine Day
On this day it seems that everyone was out on the street. The cars and buses were full of people needed a dose of warmth and sunlight.Granted there were only two days of rain in Los Angeles; it was a...
View ArticleDouble Nickles and A Penny
Oh my. This is not a bad day. It is ok. I'm fine. It is just that I am older. Maybe a touch wiser but I don't feel any burst of wisdom. I need a couple of gallons of the stuff. I seem to get it in...
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