It has been a while. I have to re-learn how to do this and convince myself this is what I should do.
Not that I don't want to blog. I do.
But being sucked up into the vortex of information makes it seem like other people's stuff is so much better than your own.
It isn't. It is just different.
And the time thing. Other things I should be doing that I don't because I'm not good at them.
And when Mr. Toxification came to town, (No, not that guy, the other guy), it made it easier to break free. But I haven't. More like easing my way out.
Because I have real life and virtual friends in the joint.
Anyway, this is about Duck Fat.
I was messing around Woot. Which I should not do because I get frustrated.
Most of the time, the price helps keep me away from it. Usually sells for at least $18 to $20 plus dollars.
But on the day I'm typing this, it is as close to affordable as it is going to get.
I should do this.
- It taste good.
- I could put it on brussels sprouts and broccoli. I need help getting them down my throat.
- I'll never find it cheaper.
- Potatoes!
I shouldn't do this.
- I've never cooked with it before.
- I'm not supposed to have potatoes on a regular basis.
- It is the lust for the deal, not the value of the deal. Except it does have a value.
So, one of two things will happen.
I will fret on this all day and not buy it.
I will buy it and then chastise myself that this might be or not be a good thing to do.
Neither one of those methods are healthy. But it is what I got at the moment.